Brand Identity


Brand Strategy
Brand Design
Brand Guidelines

This is Bbblgm®

A creative powerhouse nestled in the heart of Amsterdam, where the scent of innovation fills the air, and the vibe is as electric as Jimi Hendrix’s Woodstock Strat.

Bbblgm® is a bunch of wizards who design digital products and services. Folks who can make pixels dance, code sing, and have user experiences feel like front-row seats at a mind-bending concert. It’s a diverse bunch of creative minds — a little quirky, a lotta talented — crafting digital wonders.

Their logo is an elastic and flexible bad boy. A trampoline for your eyeballs. A bold, contemporary shape that’s eager to stand out. Its high-contrast features practically pop off the screen. Screaming: "We're here to shake things up!"

It's daring, it's distinguishable, and it's downright digital.

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