Awards Ceremony


Design guidelines
Talent leader
Advertising leader
Winner announcements

A creative suite showcasing the creative process

Celebrating 50 years of the ADCN Awards.

For the ADCN awards ceremony we wanted to deliver a design that was ultra-edgy and reflected the high standard of work showcased over the years. Inspired by the theme of Blood, Sweat & Cheers, we crafted a full creative suite of leaders that brought the creative struggle to life.

We produced a trailer that visualised our interpretation of the creative process; personified ideas, frustration and random thoughts grappling with themselves until one idea becomes the Alpha idea. (Which is not too dissimilar to the creative process behind our piece.)

Celebrating advertising with inspiring design & animation

The first piece visualises the ideation stage of the creative process.

With every hand that tries to reach out, another, even stronger hand pulls it back – just like with every idea, there’s always another, stronger idea pushing forward, wanting to be seen. Early on in the process, we invited the sound magicians from Antfood to help take care of the music for the ‘Talent’ leader. We wanted an eerie instrumental track that made the listener feel slightly unsettled when they heard it – and they nailed it. ︎

Advertising category

In the early years of the ADCN Awards, it was focussed exclusively on advertising, which is still the largest category with the most entries.

If one thing people in advertising can relate to, it’s working late. For this category we chose to create an abstract and contemporary approach that featured desolated cityscapes. It looks like the stroke of midnight when every ‘normal’ person is in bed asleep but this is the time when the advertising night owls are coming up with groundbreaking ideas. Coupled with the sound by Kloaq it gave the piece a curious and playful feel.







In true celebration, all the winners got their time to shine on stage, which was backed by our design and animation featuring the work, the agency, the client and most importantly, the creatives behind the ideas.

ADCN Awards Ceremony wins platinum Muse Award in the category Animation
ADCN Awards Ceremony wins platinum Muse Award in the category Craft
Check out the interview and find out more about our inspiration, workflow and everything in between

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